Lorraine Jeffery delights in her closeup view of the Utah mountains after living and working in Texas, New Mexico, Ohio, Georgia, and Oregon. She worked as a public library director for over twenty years, but before she got her master’s degree in Library Science, she and her husband raised ten children (eight adopted) and three foster children. She states that the children were more of an education than any university degree. After retirement, she and her husband have visited Great Britain, Ireland, Japan, Thailand, Austria, Canada, Switzerland, and most of the states in the United States.
She has won poetry prizes in state and national contests and published over one hundred poems in journals and anthologies, including Clockhouse, Kindred, Ibbetson Street, Rockhurst Review, Orchard Street Press, Bacopa Press, Two Hawks, Riverfeet, and Naugatuck River Review. Her short stories and essays have appeared in many publications, including Persimmon Tree, Focus on the Family, Elsewhere, and in Utah anthologies. Her first book, When the Universe Brings Us Back, was published in 2022.
Paperback: 58 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (April 19, 2023)