Edward Morin was born and raised in Chicago, spending summers in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. He has a BA in philosophy from Maryknoll College (Illinois) and graduate degrees—both in English—from The University of Chicago and Loyola University.
His previous collections of poems are The Dust of Our City (1978), Labor Day at Walden Pond (1997), and a chapbook, Housing for Wrens (2016). Transportation: Hot Tunes and Blues from Motor City (1988) is a cassette recording of his original songs. He has won prizes in ten national poetry contests, and his poems have appeared in Hudson Review, Prairie Schooner, River Styx, Poetry Northwest, and many other magazines.
He is editor and co-translator of an anthology, The Red Azalea: Chinese Poetry since the Cultural Revolution (University of Hawaii Press). His co-translations of Chinese, Arabic, and Greek poetry have been published in Iowa Review, New Letters, Banipal: Magazine of Modern Arab Literature, and elsewhere.
His articles and reviews have appeared in Chicago Review, Georgia Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and The Detroit News. His article, “Nature Mysticism in ‘The Rose,’” is forthcoming in A Field Guide to the Poetry of Theodore Roethke (Ohio University Press).
The author has taught English at the Universities of Kentucky, Cincinnati, and Michigan, and at Wayne State University and College for Creative Studies. He has worked as a writer for a few large corporations and has been an editor with Chicago Review, Michigan State University Press, and Peninsula Poets.
He has acted and sung with several regional theatre and opera companies and has sung in cafes. Currently, he co-hosts a writers’ workshop and public readings for The Crazy Wisdom Poetry Series in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where he and his wife live.
Paperback: 102 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (December 3, 2020)
Fence Digital
North of Oxford
Highland Park Poetry
Rain Taxi 2021 Volume 48, pp. 57 - 67
MidAmerica: The Yearbook of the Society for the Study of Midwestern Literature 2021 Volume 48, pp. 57-67