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Karen Greenbaum-Maya is a retired clinical psychologist, former German major, occasional photographer, and two-time Pushcart nominee. She earned her B.A. from Reed College in 1973 (German Language and Literature) and her Ph.D. from the California School of Professional Psychology in 1982 (Clinical Psychology). Besides her professional activities, she reviewed restaurants for the Claremont Courier for five years, sometimes in heroic couplets, sometimes imitating Hemingway. She has managed a congressional campaign, has sung in a local opera company, and has developed cookie recipes for commercial use. She returned to poetry in 2008, and her work appears frequently in journals and anthologies. She co-hosts Fourth Sundays, a monthly poetry series in Claremont, California, and “Garden of Verses,” an annual day-long reading of nature poems in Claremont’s Rancho Santa Ana Botanical Garden. Kattywompus Press publishes her two chapbooks, Burrowing Song (2013) and Eggs Satori (2014).
Paperback: 94 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (October 12, 2016)