Neil Creighton lives with his wife, Diana, on a small rural property in Wilberforce, a historical village northwest of Sydney, Australia.
He is a teacher of English and Drama, an occupation that brings him into close contact with thousands of young lives, most happy and triumphant but too many tragically filled with neglect or poverty.
He is a passionate supporter of public education and deplores how, in a supposedly egalitarian society, opportunity is very unequally proportioned.
He hates labels, pigeonholing, prejudice, discrimination and all kinds of judgmentalism.
Family is a great love. Other loves include bushwalking, bicycles and buddies.
He has been widely published, both online and in hard copy in places such as Poets Reading the News, Peacock Journal, Autumn Sky Daily, New Verse News, Prosopisia, and The Second Genesis.
His published works are Earth Music (Praxis), Loving Leah (Kelsay Books), Awakening (Cyberwit), Rock Dreaming (Kelsay Books), and Morteza (Kelsay Books). He is a Contributing Editor at Verse-Virtual, an online poetry journal.
Paperback: 98 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (May 3, 2023)