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Syed Abid Hussain was born in February 1958 in one of the southernmost towns of Khyber Pakhtunkwa named Tank city. His city is tucked in at the northern end of enormous plains known locally as Damaan which, with their diverse flora and fauna, play a major part in his poetry of man and nature. In the distance and to the west sprawls the mighty Sulaiman Range, another source of perpetual inspiration. Tank city, hugging the tribal area, was once a sleepy, remote place, completely in peace with nature. Here after his early schooling, he went to college in 1975 and graduated from there in 1979. Urdu and English Literature, fine arts, modern literature, philosophy, psychology, western music with its rock and pop culture, and classical music of sub-continent were the dominant influences which drew him towards English Literature. In 1980, he left his hometown and went almost two hundred miles away to the provincial capital Peshawar to do his Masters in English Literature from the Department of English, University of Peshawar.
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (November 23, 2013)