Javen Tanner’s poems have appeared in Roanoke Review, The Midwest Quarterly, Southwestern American Literature, Dialogue, The Raintown Review, Irreantum, Sunstone, and several other journals and magazines. His chapbook Curses for Your Sake was published by the Mormon Artists Group Press (New York, 2006). He was the winner of the 2011 Association for Mormon Letters poetry contest. Also in 2011, several of his poems were included in Fire in the Pasture, an anthology of Mormon poetry. Javen’s work has been set to musical compositions, has been the subject of a paper delivered at the Sunstone Symposium, and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He currently lives in Salt Lake City, where he is the Artistic Director of The Sting & Honey Company and the Dean of Arts at The Waterford School.
Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (March 3, 2018)