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Jeff Holt is a Licensed Professional Counselor who lives in Plano, Texas with his wife, Sarena, their two daughters, Allison and Julia, as well as their three cats, Sadie, Spooky, and Maizie. Jeff graduated from the University of North Texas with a Master of Arts Degree and taught English Composition for three semesters. Following this, he decided on a career change and returned to UNT to obtain a second Masters in Counselor Education. For many years Jeff worked with both severely mentally ill adults and severely disturbed children. Currently, Jeff works as a Mental Health Case Manager.
Jeff’s poetry has been published in numerous print and online journals, as well as in online anthologies and three print anthologies: Able Muse Anthology, ed. Alexander Pepple, Able Muse Press, 2010; A Mind Apart: Melancholy, Madness and Addiction, ed. Mark Bauer, Oxford UP, 2008; and Sonnets: 150 Sonnets, ed. William Baer, Evansville UP, 2005. Most recently, his poem “The Stalker’s Villanelle” was reprinted in the textbook CAPE Literatures in English Poetry Module, 2012, as part of a larger literary curriculum for secondary students in the West Caribbean.
Paperback: 44 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/White Violet Press (April 11, 2012)