Kathleen Latham is a fourth generation Southern Californian who bucked the tide and relocated to Boston where she’s spent the last thirty years scraping ice off her windshield. Her poetry and short fiction have appeared in multiple journals and anthologies.
A highly commended winner of the Bridport Prize for flash fiction, she’s also won the Writer’s Digest Short Short Story Competition, Spider Road Press’s Web Microfiction Prize for Women Writers, and a Bath Flash Fiction Award. She’s been shortlisted or a finalist for the Bevel Summers Prize, a First Pages Prize, the Welkin Writing Prize, and for contests in Fish Flash Fiction, The Masters Review, New Flash Fiction Review, and The Southeast Review.
She holds an undergraduate degree in psychology from Occidental College and a master’s degree in human development from Harvard University.
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Paperback: 76 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (October 19, 2024)