Linda Simone is the author of Archeology (Flutter Press), Cow Tippers (Shadow Ink Publications), and a children’s book, Moon: A Poem (Richard C. Owen Publishers). Her poems have been widely published in journals and anthologies, most recently in the anthologies, Carnival and Bearing the Mask: Southwestern Persona Poems. “The Stubborn Poem: Tackle or Trash?” is forthcoming in the anthology Far Villages: Welcome Essays for New and Beginner Poets (Black Lawrence Press). Her work was selected for inclusion in San Antonio’s Thirty Poems for the Tricentennial: A Poetic Legacy, as well as in San Antonio Poet Laureate Laurie Ann Guerrero’s signature poetry project, and on public buses in San Antonio and Norwalk, CT. A native New Yorker, Simone now lives in San Antonio.
Paperback: 103 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/Aldrich Press (September 14, 2018)