Cristina M. R. Norcross lives in Wisconsin and is the author of 8 poetry collections. She is the founding editor of Blue Heron Review. Her latest book is Beauty in the Broken Places (Kelsay Books, 2019). Cristina’s other recent collections include Amnesia and Awakenings (Local Gems Press, 2016) and Still Life Stories (Kelsay Books, 2016). One of her poems from Beauty in the Broken Places was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
Cristina’s poems have been published widely in online and print journals including: Visual Verse, Your Daily Poem, Right Hand Pointing, Verse-Virtual, The Ekphrastic Review, Poetry Hall, Bramble, As Above So Below, and Pirene’s Fountain. Her work has also been published in numerous print anthologies, including most recently, Through This Door: Wisconsin in Poems (Art Night Books, 2020) and Floored (Kingly Street Press, 2021).
She has helped organize community art and poetry projects, has led writing workshops, and has also hosted many open mic poetry readings. Cristina hosts an online writing prompt group on Facebook called Connection and Creativity During Challenging Times. She was a featured poet and is a regular, contributing poet for the online series WNP Virtual Open Mic, Poetry Through the Pandemic, with host Kai Coggin. Cristina is one of the co-founders of Random Acts of Poetry and Art Day (celebrated annually on February 20th). Find out more about this author at cristinanorcross.com.
Paperback: 44 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (October 1, 2021)
The poem "Breathing Peace," originally published in this collection, has been included in A Boxful of Poetry, a poetry anthology box set edited by James Crews
Academy of American Poets