Nancy Austin has lived on both coasts and numerous places between, leading to an eclectic life and outlook. In pursuit of what the universe has laid in her path, it sometimes seems as though there’s a string attached to her forehead, and she writes in between its tugs. She has settled in the Northwoods of Wisconsin, relishes an occasional adventure and enjoys visits from family and friends.
Nancy strives for accessible poetry, easily digested with an aftertaste of some sort. As she weaves together her stories with the stories of others, she hopes to connect to those who share similar threads and especially to those who don’t.
She has been published in various journals including Adanna, Ariel, Bramble, Gyroscope Review, Midwestern Gothic, Sheepshead Review, Verse Wisconsin, Wisconsin Poets Calendars, and Zingara. Her first collection of poems is titled Remnants of Warmth (Aldrich Press 2016), available on Amazon or through Kelsay Books.
Paperback: 54 Pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (May 7, 2019)
Portage Magazine