Kathleen McClung, a native of northern California, is the author of the 2013 chapbook Almost the Rowboat. Her work appears widely in journals and anthologies including Atlanta Review, Ekphrasis, Mezzo Cammin, The MacGuffin, Peacock Journal, Unsplendid, Raising Lilly Ledbetter: Women Poets Occupy the Work Space, and A Bird Black as the Sun: California Poets on Crows and Ravens.
Winner of the Rita Dove and Maria W. Faust poetry prizes, she won the inaugural Shirley McClure poetry prize at the 2016 Los Gatos Listowel Writers’ Festival and the grand prize of the Ina Coolbrith Circle 2017 poetry contest. McClung is a three-time finalist for the Morton Marr poetry prize and a Pushcart and Best of the Net nominee. She serves as associate director of the Soul-Making Keats literary competition and sponsor/judge of the sonnet category, and she presents at readings, panels, and workshops across the country.
She holds master’s degrees in Education and English from Stanford University and California State University Fresno, and she teaches at Skyline College and The Writing Salon. She directs Women on Writing: WOW! Voices Now on the Skyline campus, celebrating creativity in writers of all ages. She lives in San Francisco. Visit her website at kathleenmcclung.com.
Paperback: 84 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (March 28, 2018)
Sticks & Stones