Watch the book trailer for The Way to the River
Shutta Crum is an award-winning poet and children’s book writer, as well as an oft-requested speaker and presenter at writing conferences, libraries, and schools. Shutta’s poems have appeared in many journals since the 1970s. Numerous poems have been published by the AAR2 over the years. (The online Ann Arbor Review.) Other poems were published by ArtAscent, Blue Mountain Review, Typehouse, Stoneboat, the Orchards Poetry Journal, 3rd Wednesday, Nostos, Beyond Words, Southern Poetry Review, Better Than Starbucks, Main Street Rag, and Plainsongs. Forthcoming: Mom Egg Review.
Her chapbook WHEN YOU GET HERE won a gold Royal Palm Literary Award. She is, also, the author of three novels for young readers and many children’s picture books including, THUNDER-BOOMER! (Clarion/HMH), a Smithsonian Magazine and an American Library Association Notable Book of the year. In 2005 she was invited to read at the White House, and in 2010 toured Japan presenting to students of the Deptartment of Defense schools. Shutta was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2020 by Typehouse Literary for her poem “We Meet for Coffee at a Crowded Café.”
Paperback: 72 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (April 13, 2022)