Joseph Zaccardi served as Marin County, CA poet laureate (2013–2015), and during his tenure published and edited Changing Harm to Harmony: Bullies & Bystanders Project. His poems have been published in Cincinnati Review, Common Ground Review, Poet Lore, Spillway, and elsewhere; his fourth collection of poems, A Wolf Stands Alone in Water, was published by CW Books 2015. He is a veteran of the American War in Vietnam (1967–1970).
Joseph says poetry came alive for him in the 6th grade when his teacher, Sister Francesca, gave him a small book of poems by W.C. Williams; a gift, alas, that he’s lost. Perhaps the power of poetry is that it stays with you, even when it is not with you. He has no working process that he can recognize or describe. Each day is a tree of verbal apples one may climb; he is usually up there unless he is after the even more delectable fruits of silence. Each day he tosses seeds; each day he retrieves just sprouted words.
Paperback: 102 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (September 21, 2019)
North of Oxford