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Janet Kenny was a painter and concert singer in New Zealand until she went to the United Kingdom. There she sang in opera professionally until she retired early because of health problems. She moved to Australia, where she was active in the disarmament and anti-nuclear movement in Sydney. She jointly edited, compiled, and wrote Beyond Chernobyl, published by Envirobook in 1993. She now lives in Queensland with her husband of many years. Her poems have been published in printed and online journals, including Avatar, The Chimaera, Folly, 14 x 14, Iambs & Trochees, The Literary Review, Mi Poesias, The New Formalist, The Raintown Review, The Shit Creek Review, Snakeskin, Soundzine, The Susquehanna Quarterly, and Umbrella. Her work is in the collections The Book of Hope and Filled With Breath: 30 Sonnets by 30 Poets. She has received three Pushcart nominations.
Paperback: 62 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books/White Violet Press (March 20, 2012)