Kerry Trautman lives in smalltown Ohio and is a founder and admin of toledopoet.com and the “Toledo Poetry Museum” page on Facebook. Kerry participates in poetry readings and events such as Artomatic 419, 100-Thousand Poets for Change, Poetry Out Loud, Back to Jack, and the Columbus Arts Festival.
Her poetry and short fiction have appeared in various print and online literary journals, including Midwestern Gothic, Alimentum, The Coe Review, Think Journal, Paper & Ink, Naugatuck River Review, and Free State Review. Kerry’s poetry has also appeared in anthologies such as Mourning Sickness (Omniarts, 2008), Journey to Crone (Chuffed Buff Books, 2013), and Delirious: a Poetic Celebration of Prince (NightBallet Press, 2016). Her poetry chapbooks are Things That Come in Boxes (King Craft Press, 2012), To Have Hoped (Finishing Line Press, 2015), and Artifacts (NightBallet Press, 2017).
Paperback: 96 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (July 9, 2020)