Siham Karami lives with her family near a woods that reminds her of the beloved northern Minnesota forest where she spent her childhood summers. In addition to writing, she has found creative fulfillment in music (performance and composition) and a variety of visual arts but now spends time in a newfound obsession with photography, which has opened up a sense of the unnoticed beauty to be found everywhere by simply looking. Her poetry and critical work can be found in such places as The Comstock Review, Pleiades, Measure, Able Muse, The Rumpus, Mezzo Cammin, Tupelo Quarterly Review, Literary Mama, Off the Coast, and Orchards Poetry (as the featured poet), among other journals and anthologies. Nominated multiple times for both the Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net, she blogs at
Paperback: 81 pagesPublisher: Kelsay Books (October 10, 2018)