Jane Schapiro is the author of two volumes of poetry, Tapping This Stone (Washington Writers’ Publishing House Award, 1995) and Let the Wind Push Us Across (Antrim House, 2017), a photographic and poetry narrative of her 1976 bicycle trip across the U.S. Her nonfiction book Inside a Class Action: The Holocaust and the Swiss Banks (University of Wisconsin, 2003) was selected for the Notable Trials Library. Her chapbook, Mrs. Cave’s House, won the 2012 Sow’s Ear Poetry Chapbook competition. Her poems have appeared in The American Scholar, Prairie Schooner, The Gettysburg Review, The Southern Review, The Women’s Review of Books, Yankee, among others. She is a mother of three daughters and lives with her husband in Fairfax, VA.
Visit Jane’s website at www.janeschapiro.com.
Paperback: 57 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (July 15, 2020)