Janet McMillan Rives was born and raised in Connecticut and moved to Tucson, Arizona as a teenager. She is a graduate of the University of Arizona and Duke University. After retiring as a professor of economics from the University of Northern Iowa, she moved to her current residence in Oro Valley, Arizona. When not busy with poetry, Janet enjoys golf, gardening, and the company of her dog. Her poems have appeared in such journals as Lyrical Iowa, Raw Art Review, Ekphrastic Review, Heirlock, Sandcutters, MacQueen’s Quinterly, Crosswinds, Creosote, and Canary as well as in a number of anthologies. Her first chapbook, Into This Sea of Green: Poems from the Prairie, was published in 2020 (Finishing Line Press).
Paperback: 48 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (April 10, 2023)
Arizona Daily Star