Lori Levy’s poems have appeared in Rattle, Nimrod International Journal, Poet Lore, Paterson Literary Review, The MacGuffin, and numerous other print and online literary journals and anthologies in the U.S., the U.K., and Israel. Her poems have also been published in medical humanities journals, including a hybrid piece (poetry/ prose) she co-authored with her father, a physician. Her bilingual chapbook, In the Mood for Orange, was published in Israel in 2007. Lori lives with her extended family in Los Angeles, but “home” has also been Vermont and Israel and, for several months, Panama while visiting her son and granddaughters.
Paperback: 54 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (August 6, 2023)
Wax Poetry & Art ~ Angela Poetry Magazine (1st Place)
Wilda Morris Poetry Challenge: Color (2nd Place)
Wilda Morris Poetry Challenge: Fruit (1st Place)
Quill & Parchment