Margaret Koger grew up on a small ranch in Idaho after electricity spread across the land but before her family could afford a well. Water for drinking and washing had to be hauled from town and stored in a cistern, creating a lesson in water conservation not to be forgotten. Her dad traded used tires for her first pony. She received her M. A. from Boise State University and continues to live in Boise, where she taught in the public schools, specializing in creative writing and library services with a brief stint as an Artist in the Schools. She is a Lascaux Poetry Prize finalist, and more of her work may be found in the Boise City Department of Arts and History COVID Community Collection, Amsterdam Quarterly, Chaffey College Review, Burning House, Tiny Seeds Literary Journal, Topical Poetry, Elpis Pages: A Collective, and The Limberlost Review.
Paperback: 44 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (September 22, 2022)