Shutta Crum is an award-winning poet and children’s book writer, as well as an oft-requested speaker and presenter at writing conferences, libraries, and schools. Her poems for adults have appeared in numerous small press publications and literary journals since the 1970s. That includes Ann Arbor (W)rites, The Wayne Literary Review, The Huron River Review, and Writers Reading at Sweetwaters. Over the years, she has placed in the top three finalists in several of the Current Magazine poetry competitions and was awarded first place in 2004. These days, a number of her poems appear in the AAR2 (the online version of the Ann Arbor Review). She also has several children’s books written in verse published by major publishers (Alfred A. Knopf, Clarion /Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Albert Whitman, and Fitzhenry & Whiteside), as well as three novels. In 2005 she was invited to read at the White House, and in 2010 she toured Japan presenting to the students of the Dept. of Defense schools.
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Paperback: 70 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (March 4, 2020)
Cervena Barva Press