Richard Jackson has published twenty-six books including fifteen books of poems, most recently Take Five (co-authored, Finishing Line, 2020), Broken Horizons (Press 53, 2018) Traversings (Anchor and Plume, 2016), Retrivals (C&R Press, 2014), Out of Place (Ashland, 2014), Resonancia (Barcelona, 2014, a translation of Resonance from Ashland, 2010), Half Lives: Petrarchan Poems (Autumn House, 2004), Unauthorized Autobiography: New and Selected Poems (Ashland, 2003), and Heartwall (UMass, Juniper Prize 2000), as well as four chapbook adaptations from Pavese and other Italian poets, and a chapbook of prose poems, Fifties.
The Heart’s Many Doors is a collection of poems by American poets on the artists Metka Krasoveč (Wings press, 2017). He has translated a book of poems by Alexsander Peršolja (Potvanje Sonca / Journey of the Sun) (Kulturno Drustvo Vilenica: Slovenia, 2007) as well as Last Voyage, a book of translations of the early-20th-century Italian poet, Giovanni Pascoli (Red Hen, 2010). In addition, he has edited the selected poems of Slovene poet, Iztok Osijnik. He also edited nearly twenty chapbooks of poems from Eastern Europe.
His own poems have been translated into seventeen languages including Worlds Apart: Selected Poems in Slovene. He has edited three anthologies of Slovene poetry and Poetry Miscellany, a journal. He is the author of Dismantling Time in Contemporary American Poetry (Agee Prize), and Acts of Mind: Interviews with Contemporary American Poets (Choice Award). He was awarded the Order of Freedom Medal for literary and humanitarian work in the Balkans by the President of Slovenia for his work with the Slovene-based Peace and Sarajevo Committees of PEN International. He has received Guggenheim, NEA, NEH, and two Witter-Bynner fellowships, a Prairie Schooner Reader’s Choice Award, and the Crazyhorse prize, and he is the winner of five Pushcart Prizes and has appeared in Best American Poems ’97 as well as many other anthologies.
Paperback: 84 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (December 16, 2020)