Randall R. Freisinger’s poems have appeared in various anthologies and numerous literary magazines such as New Letters, The Chariton Review, Sugar House Review, South Carolina Review, Atlanta Review, Black Warrior Review, Tar River Poetry, Green Mountain Review, Cream City Review, Xavier Review, Pank, Marlboro Review, Passages North, and many others. Nominated for a Pushcart Prize seven times, he has four collections of poems: Running Patterns (1985 Flume Press National Chapbook Competition winner), Hand Shadows (Green Tower Press Chapbook Series, 1988), Plato’s Breath (May Swenson Poetry Prize, Utah State University Press, 1997), and Nostalgia’s Thread: Ten Poems on Norman Rockwell Paintings (chapbook, Hol Art Books, 2009).
Born and raised in Kansas City, MO, he holds B.J., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Missouri-Columbia. In 1983–84 he was Visiting Scholar in poetry in the University of Massachusetts-Amherst’s M.F.A. Program. He lives and writes in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, where he is Emeritus Professor of Rhetoric, Literature, and Creative Writing in the Department of Humanities at Michigan Technological University.
Paperback: 121 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (April 16, 2019)
New Letters: On the Air