Marilyn L. Taylor, former Poet Laureate of the state of Wisconsin and the city of Milwaukee, is the author of seven previous poetry collections. Her work has also appeared in Able Muse, Measure, Poetry, Light, Raintown Review and Rhino, among many other journals and anthologies. She has been awarded the Margaret Reid Poetry Prize for formal verse, and she was a finalist for the X. J. Kennedy Parody Prize, the Howard Nemerov Sonnet Award, the Lascaux Review prize, the 2021 Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest, and the 2021 Able Muse Write Prize. She serves as Associate Editor for two poetry journals, Verse-Virtual and Third Wednesday. For more about her, please visit mltpoet.com.
Paperback: 134 pages
Publisher: Kelsay Books (November 29, 2021)
Book Reviews:
Atticus Review
Light Poetry Magazine
The Lake