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Janet Kenny, born in 1936, was a painter and concert singer in New Zealand then went to the United Kingdom, where she sang principal operatic roles in international casts until health problems caused early retirement. She and her husband moved to Australia but travelled widely for his work. Involvement in the nuclear-disarmament movement brought her into contact with the great Australian novelist Patrick White, whose example inspired her in many ways. With the invaluable assistance of her editor husband, she and Corin Fairburn Bass edited, compiled, and wrote Beyond Chernobyl, published in 1993 by Envirobook. Her last book was This Way to the Exit published by White Violet Press. Whistling in the Dark is in the collection of the University of Sydney Library.
“She is essentially surprising and always fresh.” —John Whitworth
Paperback: 112 pagesPublisher: Kelsay Books (August 1, 2016)